For the initiated in the animated 3d Graphics industry the term Raytracing is very common. For the non-initiated, an explanation: it's a graphics rendering technic. Today (may '2014) there's a very advanced variation of this technic being developed: Path Tracing is its name.
In a glance, it showcases such a never-seen-before degree of realism in rendering of scene graphics for advanced 3D games. A small company, OTOY, is developing it through its Brigade technology, which in turn, is in its third iteration, and is being tested in the following video using two of the most advanced NVIDIA graphic boards working in cooperation.
By the way, the processing power requirements needed by the new technic are high in a way that, for these tests, two GeForce Titan graphic boards running in paralel were needed.
Now, watch this quite interesting Brigade 3.0 demonstration video. You will eventually notice some grain at moments. I'll go deeper into them in the next paragraph.
As a matter of fact, this new technology is so promising (breaking all the barriers of limitations in the number of simultaneous poligons that can be shown onscreen at once, i.e.) it requires an amount of processing power the duo of GeForce Titan video boards couldn't cope together.
As a workaround to avoid frame rate dropping due to the very high number of objects being computed and rendered in real time, the developers decided to include these grainy artifacts showing that some computation steps are being skipped before showing the results on screen.
Despite NVIDIA already having promised a new version of their graphic boards, the all-new Titan Z for later this year, this is still too early to tell that this technology has already matured enough to be seen in the games of the nex-gen consoles. But now we can foresee a little of the degree of realism that will be present in the games to be launched for the future consoles in the next years. By the way, I can assume the next consoles may even not be consoles - at least in the terms we are using today. But that's another story.
More on this technology at
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